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About the event

Our Aims

As modern technology advances, continues to explore our limited and precious diversified biomes, we anticipate a growing awareness around the world on the conservation of biodiversity. The Centre for Biodiversity Research of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, together with our co-organisers are organising this International Conference on Tropical Biodiversity 2018 which aims to:

Bring together the world’s experts to present and share their current findings
Strengthen interdisciplinary research links among researchers and stakeholders by promoting effective communications on various current issues related to biodiversity
symposia list

Our themes range from the fundamental disciplines in biodiversity (systematics, ecology, ecosystem) to the various applications related to biodiversity in the tropics and subtropics (agriculture, pathogen diversity, natural products, etc).

Symposium 1: Fundamentals of biodiversity

1A Biological resources and conservation

1B Ecology and evolutionary genetics

1C Ecosystems and environments

Symposium 2: Sustainable agriculture and food security

2A Agriculture and under-utilized crops

2B Aquaculture and animal husbandry

2C Horticulture and landscaping


Symposium 3: Biodiversity and human health

3A Diversity, evolution and epidemiology of pathogen

3B Natural products and biomaterials

3C Functional foods 

Symposium 4: Biodiversity in modern living

4A Urban ecology and ecosystems

4B Biodiversity and business

4C Biodiversity policy and legislation

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Our Venue

Tropical Biodiversity 2018 will be held in Ipoh, the capital city of Perak. Ipoh is famous for its cultural heritage, food, and is surrounded by fascinating limestone caves and forest parks and mining lakes which have now turned into a novel ecosystem for aquatic wildlife and birds! 

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